Al Suwaiq Castle:-
Al Suwaiq Castle lies atop a hill, 200 meters off the sea . It is a rectangular building, 78 meters in length and maximam 47 meters in width, with three round towers at the corners, one forth square tower at the north-west corner and a fifth rectangular tower in the south. The Castle was used defensive purposes and as headquarters for the Wali. It was restore during the period ( 1992 - 1994 ) and again in ( 1998 ) . It was converted into a tourist monument .
Al Tharmad Castle
Al Tharmad Castle is a square shaped building, 37.5 meters in length and width. It has four towers of different shapes, round and square , and the main entrance lies at the north facade behind another facade for more protection. The walls have elevated battlements,and there are small apertures for attacking and opening fire,The Castle is surrounded by a moat from three directions , and was used mainly for protection purposes.